İstiklal Caddesi No: 49 (Mavi Han) Kat: 5 Taksim / İstanbul 0 212 244 66 00

Istanbul Gelisim University


Our founding foundation, “Development Education Culture Health and Social Service Foundation”, took an initiative to establish a Vocational School named “Istanbul Gelisim Vocational School” in 2008.

Upon the letter of the Ministry of National Education dated 08/07/2008 and numbered 17261, our Vocational School was established by the Council of Ministers on 14/07/2008 in accordance with the Additional Article 2 of the Law No. 2547 and started education and training.

“Istanbul Gelisim University” has been established with the Law No. 6114 dated 17/02/2011 and continues its education activities with 6 Faculties, 2 Schools, 2 Vocational Schools and Graduate Education Institute in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Adopting the principle of “Development” in every field that Turkey and the world need, IGU has so far graduated 35,809 graduates who have been trained as leaders in accordance with the principles and principles of its accreditations. Collaborating with over 100 world universities, Istanbul Gelisim University also motivates associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students to become international.

Istanbul Gelisim University offers its students a huge research complex consisting of over 100 laboratories in the campus area in Istanbul, one of the financial and commercial centers of Turkey and the world. IGU has 22 research centers and 63 student clubs that allow students to engage in social, cultural, scientific and sports activities outside of the classroom.